Sakshi joins the Rodd team
We’re thrilled to welcome Sakshi, who has just joined the Rodd team as a junior designer.
Sakshi proactively reached out to us shortly after graduating this summer from Nottingham Trent with a 1st Class Honours. She impressed us with her amazing portfolio, productivity and a high octane passion for design.
Tell us a bit about you...
We asked Sakshi to share her design motivations and approach to landing her first design role:
“For me, design is about uncovering the extraordinary in the everyday—finding potential in what’s often overlooked. My fascination with how objects evolve to improve lives inspired me to pursue design, blending storytelling with problem-solving.
Reaching out to Rodd felt natural because their focus on meaningful and impactful design aligned with everything I value. I knew I wanted to be part of a team that challenges the familiar and creates work with purpose.
Landing this role was about being proactive, staying curious, and trusting in my passion for creating designs that truly connect with people.”
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